Friday, October 2, 2009

Dedicated to Righteousness

One day I heard a comedian joking about what it would be like if we, as our present day selves, had accounts of our present day lives recorded in a present day Bible. He probably said something funny like, "Turn in your Bibles to the book of ShaQuishia, the 2nd chapter, and the 24th verse."

And it reads: "It was in the ninth hour that ShaQuishia Monique Johnson drove her 2007 Nissan Maxima down Bankhead Highway with the intentions of going to see Ray-Ray, her 'baby-daddy'. Now Ray-Ray, son of Calvin, son of Darius, who might have been the son of Howard Jones, who lived off of Columbia Drive in De-ca-Tur, Georgia, had been up all night trying to bargain with God. He cried out, Lord, I know I haven't talked to you in a long time but please, PLEASE, don't let that girl be expecting another baby and I promise I won't touch here no more." Needless to say, he had everybody rollin'.

It didn't take long before my brain began to process the actuality of it all. No, our present lives are not currently being recorded to be placed in the 'new-new' testament of the Bible. There will be no books of Janelle, Nikayla, Taylor or Trent, but you better believe that people are still watching ...and still listening.

The Word of God speaks of a treasure, given to us by God. It says,"

7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us." (2 Corinthians 4:7)

Some of us live our lives as though we don't recognized what God has placed within us. We don't have a sense of responsibility, or urgency to share the good news of our salvation, through Jesus Christ. We lack consistency, humility, and devotion. WE are blinded by our own ambitions and the "worldly" inspired views of "success". While success may be important to many of us, it was not the great commission given by Jesus Christ. He has ordered us to do things a little differently, things, not with ourselves in mind, but with his purpose in mind. He wants use to make disciples of the nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

In that, in order to reach the nations, I believe that God has called us to be 'Walking Epistles". I know that I have not always lived this gift of life, given of God, as though it mattered who was and is watching. I am aware of the importation of God's Holy Spirit within me. I knew what I was supposed to be doing, and how God expected me to live but for selfish reasons I ignored it and pushed it aside. I rejected God's treasure. But because he is full of mercy, grace and love, he is saying to me (and you who are also chosen) that He needs us...still. He desires us: our sacrifice, our obedience and our dedication.

Walking Epistles: everyday, extra-ordinary vessels, carrying a treasure so great that we should not be able to contain it.


  1. Wow! That's what's up. The piece that struck me was when you wrote, "Some of us live our lives as though we don't recognize what God has placed within us."

    I want to say that I don't think we really realize what God has placed inside of us-Himself. I wholeheartedly believe that the sooner we, the redeemed and Spirit filled, grasp that point, the more we'll begin to see God move in our lives and our culture.

    Similarly, I understand what you mean about self ambition being our stumbling blocks. And I gues that's where I find myself right now, trying to live a less "me" and even "you" centered life. At the end of the day, who am I without God, and what's my service to "you" without Him?

  2. That is an AWESOME question!!! who are we with out God, and what is our service to those around us, hurting, lonely, thirsty, and needing....without HIM...the one who heals, comforts, fills, supplies...oh goodness NAWI...get on it girl, get on it!!! P.s. when can we expect your preliminary post? :)
